the show

Circo de la Luna is a moonstruck circus journey that incorporates flamenco, aerial moon, tissù and lyra, contortion, clowning and boleadoras to tell the story of a disgruntled New York City dweller who receives a mysterious package in the mail and is whisked away on a magical journey to Spain, Cuba, and beyond. Performed in front of a projected backdrop of lush architectural images created by photographers Thierry Dehove and Marc Goodwin, Circo de la Luna transports audiences with the hypnotic rhythm of an antique carousel slide projector, sharing the beauty of Spanish and Latin music and landscapes, inspiring us all to explore the beauty of other cultures – near or far. 

With lush architectural images created by the photographer Thierry Dehove, the stage is set in the photographic landscape that takes audiences away with the hypnotic rhythm of an antique carousel slide projector our hero received in the mail.  

Acts include, flamenco, clowning, aerial moon, aerial hoop and contortion in aerial harness, breakdancing, contortion, boleadoras, and aerial tissù.  

The idea of Circo de la Luna is to introduce circus acts to traditional dance choreographers to create a thought-provoking circus for Spanish and Latin Music lovers and children of all ages.  The carousel slide projector not only provides images from the country the music came from, but also the basic rhythm of the music before it starts to play.



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